Turning: precision or speed? Which to choose?
The turning market is changing its demands every day. Until a few years ago, it was essential to have parts produced precisely and, the time needed to make them, was almost a component that gave quality to the thing.
Slowly, there has been a shift from demands for parts produced in ever shorter times, without, of course, losing quality.

The manufacturers' response was to adapt to this demand and the market reacted by tightening the timescales more and more.
Very fast production, in very short times, without losing the level of quality.
If this were not enough, the internet has made it possible to contact any company in the world in a matter of minutes, effectively making competitiveness at extreme levels.
This brings us to the moment when we have to change our machinery, we have to completely change the idea of production, we have to adapt to the times in order not to be crushed by the ever more pressing demands of the market.
The world of manufacturers follows the same line, but among them there are those who do not abandon the old concepts, increase the production speed, improve the machine technically, but the basis on which they work is still the same.
Then there are those who, like me, work every day to evolve the production world by improving not only production speed, but speed in general, studying completely new and innovative systems that allow, for example, set-up changes in formula 1 times, making production life better not only for those who buy the machine, but also for those who work on it.
But the final choice, as it should be, is yours alone, the time will come when you realise you are not competitive enough and you will have to change your machines and in most cases you will be faced with a choice, be faster or be more accurate?
But the real question you should ask yourself is: Why not be faster and more precise at the same time?