And are you flexible?

And are you flexible?
Flexibility, as the word itself says, "the facility to assume a curved or angled configuration."
But also: Adaptability!
Strange start for a blog article about multi-spindles.
To be honest, the imagery of a lathe is anything but flexible, an imposing and heavy machine that seems to have nothing to do with anything flexible.
But if you open the machining doors there you can find great flexibility!
A stationary machine from the outside, inside it can make holes, grooves, turning, chamfering...
So many different operations enclosed in an apparently immobile 'bison'.
It is precisely the appearance that sometimes leads us to make wrong thoughts or judgements, we do not go into detail, we do not try to understand what is deep inside.
This happens to me at times when I talk about my machines, those who are comfortable with appearances, when I talk about multispindle, turn their noses up at old beliefs that certain machines cannot do certain jobs.
When I talk about quick set-up changes, some people say that it is impossible, and that if there is a quick set-up change there will be shortcomings in other things.
Without having seen the machine, without having seen it in operation, without having spoken to my technicians explaining how we got to this point.
All this is due to a lack of flexibility in accepting the new that is advancing, and a view only of appearances.
Sometimes, but understood, it would be good to stop and reflect and ask ourselves if we are really able to go further, if we are really able to be 'flexible' even with our minds!