Set-up time in 15 minutes: with Linea Spindle, now it’s possible!
Linea Spindle’s set-up time is at its heart, allowing you to face production with the logic of Lean Manufacturing, producing only what is necessary.
An important customer asked us to include this aspect in our contract, with an associated penalty, and so we did.
The set-up time is, therefore, 15 minutes. Linea Spindle puts it in writing.
Furthermore, while you retool one side of the machine, the other can continue to work, meaning that Linea Spindle never stops.

> How is it possible that you never need to stop the machine?
The secret lies in the fact that Linea Spindle is divided into two parts, with two spindles on the right, and two on the left.
When retooling, for example, those on the right, the other two spindles on the other side of the machine continue to work.
> Up to what length can Linea Spindle work pieces?
Linea Spindle can work pieces up to 120 mm in length. For a definitive answer, however, you must also consider the exact type of processing, and the diameter of the piece.
> What types of material can Linea Spindle work with?
Linea Spindle can work with all types of materials, including: steel, brass, aluminium and composites.
> Is Linea Spindle suitable for working on cold forged pieces?
Absolutely yes!
Linea Spindle is a machine that is particularly suitable for working cold forged pieces, and reworking in general.
> What lubricant does Linea Spindle use?
The choice of lubricant is up to the end-user, and often dictated by the company choice, as well as, naturally, the type of work and particular material. Linea Spindle works with all types of lubricants.
The choice may include, among others:
- Whole oils
- Emulsions
- Minimal lubricants